Saturday, December 18, 2010

Space Superfund needed to clean up orbital trash

There are many tiny little pieces of debris that orbit in our universe, and lets face it most of it we can't see.  The trash may cause harm to the people in space and the robotic satelittes that orbit in the space.  There needs to be a superfund to help solve the problem so we are not in harm and don't have world damage.
I think we should try solve the problem before something terrible goes wrong.  We should not take this lightly.  Don't get me wrong there has been debris in space for years but if there is too much it could cause serious damage.  If the debris is not taken care of we may not be able explore the universe anymore if those important satelittes in space are tampered with and we do not need any tragedies in space.

Ivory Coast's Gbagbo orders U.N. peacekeepers to leave

Gbagbo refuses to step down as the president of the Ivory Coast and orders the peacekeepers of the UN to leave immeditly.  He has been in power since 2000 and will just not take in defeat by Ouattara.  The US, France, and African Coast have endorsed the win of Ouattara but Gbagbo will just not step down from power and continues to control the Ivory coast.
I think Gbagbo needs to grow up and take defeat like a man.  I have never heard of such an absurd man that just won't take defeat.  The other guy won fair and square and you should respect him.  May be your people are trying to tell you something if they have voted a new person to take over.

Snow and ice brings chaos to Britain, Europe

Throughout the two countries many airports had to cancel and delay many of their flights today.  They hundreds of employees working with plows and othe equipment to clear the runways to allow flights.  Though flights could get in and out many had limitations regarding flights.  Because of the temperatures and conditions cars were stranded on highways and soccer games were cancelled and also trainways had a tough time traveling as well.
Thats too bad for the two countries that all major transport is pretty much shut down.  Now they can't get people in and out for trips or may be their tourists.  This is a bad time of the year for stuff to be shut down with the holidays and people wanting to go see their families.  It's too bad they are expecting more snow and worse conditions.

South Korea delays firing drills amid North's threats

If  South Korea continues its drilling the North will come back and hit the South even harder which was said friday.  On the last attack four died and more will probably die this time.  Russia ordered the South to cancel the drilling to aviod further escalation between the the divided pennisula.
I think the the pennisula should learn to get along and come up with a comprimise.  The pennisula has been divided for how many years may be it's time to get along and become one.  Then it might stop further problems they could work out in the future.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

ISSUE #2 - Ensuring Quality Care for Medicare Patients

 As of 2008, doctors who treat Medicare patients will face cuts of 5 to 10 percent in their reimbursements from the federal government.  President Bush's budget for fiscal year 2008 proposed savings of $70 billion on Medicare   and Medicaid over the next five years.
With drastic cuts , some policymak­ers have devised a plan to reduce Medicare  while ensuring that Medicare patients still have access to quality services. As Medicare is presently set up, doctors get paid based on their quantity of services rather than quality.
In late 2006, legislators approved a new pay-for-perfor­mance system that will allow Medicare to pay doctors a 1.5 percent bonus for providing information about the type and quality of their services.  This voluntary pro­gram is set to begin in July 2007. With the help of  data gathered in the reporting phase, program administrators plan to work with medical experts to set clinical guidelines for quality care. Over the long term, supporters of this legisla­tion want Medicare to reward superior doctors and hospitals that provide quality, cost-effective treatment for Medicare beneficiaries.

I think medicare is for people who can afford it.  It should not be ensured because then the country just goes farther into debt.  We need no more debt in the U.S. , we have enough and should not have to suffer the debt in tax dollars.  The people who can afford healthcare should be the ones who can get medicare.  I believe the pay for the performance plan just like Nancy Pelosi does. 

Issue 1:

Issue 3:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Early Signs Tuesday Night: West Virginia and Illinois

Republicans almost certainly have to win the West Virginia Senate race to take control of the Senate. Illinois is already a state to which leans toward the Republican side so if West Virginia wins it is a sure fire way to take over the Senate with Republicans winning.
I think it sounds like the Democrats are in trouble.  They better hope to win the state of W. Virginia or they will hold minimul seats in the senate and they will have no say in anything.  They better hope to have strong canidates and hope that they win or they are up a creek without a paddle.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nissan recalls 2 million cars worldwide

Nissan needs to recall over two million vehicles because of ignition problems.  The engine may stall and you won't be going anywhere.  They need to recall all the cars to fix them throughout U.S., Japan, Europe, and Asia.
I think Nissan should just shut down every single plant in America or whereever they built.  They are a worthless piece of equipment that are not reliable and you will get stuck in the middle of nowhere and you might die in the middle of nowhere.

Monday, October 25, 2010

First Thoughts: How to spot a GOP wave

On election day, which takes place eight days from today, we'll likely be able to tell very early if Republicans are on the verge of taking back the House and possibly more.
Most likely one of the politcal parties will take over. That's how it is one party tries to take over because they think their sides are opposite and they want what they want.  They hope to run over the government and make it their way.

Belize battered before Richard weakens

The hurricane did much damage to Belize before it weakened.  It cut off power and 10000 people took refuge in schools and churches to live.  The hurricane was a devastating to belize and and took many people down and now they are sad.
Its too bad the country got destroyed but it a natural thing and they are probably used to the natural disasters.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

41 die after bus ignores warning, collides with train

A bus collides with a train bus killing 41 people because a bus got in a rush and tried crossing railway when sirens were blaring.  The bus driver thought he could make but took 41 lives instead.
i think the bus should have waited and then we would still have a bus and 41 people alive.  The driver was rushing himself and made a stupid move to try hurry even though the sirens were blaring.  He should not have even been driving a bus if hes going to pull moves like that.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What will Facebook reveal on Wednesday?

Facebook is thinking about making a search engine TechCrunch.
I think they shouldn't make a new search enginge because google and bing is too much to compete with.  They will never have enough users to make a profit.  Everyone already relys on Google and Bing for quality info.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Issue 1 War Dollars

Issue one is all about the way we should spend money on wars.  If the government should have more control or if the people should have more of the power to decide what we should spend on the wars.  Whether the government should be able to use Power of the Purse to manipulate the people to go with the spending towards war.  Also whether the Commander-in-chief should be able to say if the country should go to war or not or whether the people should have a larger say in the process.
I think the Commander in chief should have a say to whether we go to war or not because he knows whats best for the country.  He knows if it can help or hurt our country.  If the war can benifit us or not.  If not for these things and the people deciding whether or not we should go to war it would cause a lot of internal fighting with the people.  Most people would say not to go to war so soilders don't die but then you have the few who would say go to war and then there is a conflict. Congress also knows when to stop funding for wars so we should have confidence to leave it up to them.  Also someone who agrees is Jim Hightower who is a populist.

Issue 2:

Issue 3:

Friday, September 17, 2010

New breed of butchers works against the grain

Allison Linn talks about how the new butcher shops let customers see the unseen.  Seeing the hanging animals in the back through a window.
I think the animals should not be seen because it could drive their customers away and the inspectors might not like that.  Some customers think its gross and some would say how much for it.  I think it should be unseen to the customers.

Friday, September 10, 2010

First thoughts: What we're watching for at the presser

Obama is having another press conference on the economy at the white house which is his eighth.  The rest of the article is about what he is going to do about the economy and how he is going to change it around.
My opinion is Obama better change something in his office because what he is doing now is not working and he needs to change his ways so we can get this country back on the right track to where we are getting rid of our national debt.