Saturday, December 18, 2010

Space Superfund needed to clean up orbital trash

There are many tiny little pieces of debris that orbit in our universe, and lets face it most of it we can't see.  The trash may cause harm to the people in space and the robotic satelittes that orbit in the space.  There needs to be a superfund to help solve the problem so we are not in harm and don't have world damage.
I think we should try solve the problem before something terrible goes wrong.  We should not take this lightly.  Don't get me wrong there has been debris in space for years but if there is too much it could cause serious damage.  If the debris is not taken care of we may not be able explore the universe anymore if those important satelittes in space are tampered with and we do not need any tragedies in space.

Ivory Coast's Gbagbo orders U.N. peacekeepers to leave

Gbagbo refuses to step down as the president of the Ivory Coast and orders the peacekeepers of the UN to leave immeditly.  He has been in power since 2000 and will just not take in defeat by Ouattara.  The US, France, and African Coast have endorsed the win of Ouattara but Gbagbo will just not step down from power and continues to control the Ivory coast.
I think Gbagbo needs to grow up and take defeat like a man.  I have never heard of such an absurd man that just won't take defeat.  The other guy won fair and square and you should respect him.  May be your people are trying to tell you something if they have voted a new person to take over.

Snow and ice brings chaos to Britain, Europe

Throughout the two countries many airports had to cancel and delay many of their flights today.  They hundreds of employees working with plows and othe equipment to clear the runways to allow flights.  Though flights could get in and out many had limitations regarding flights.  Because of the temperatures and conditions cars were stranded on highways and soccer games were cancelled and also trainways had a tough time traveling as well.
Thats too bad for the two countries that all major transport is pretty much shut down.  Now they can't get people in and out for trips or may be their tourists.  This is a bad time of the year for stuff to be shut down with the holidays and people wanting to go see their families.  It's too bad they are expecting more snow and worse conditions.

South Korea delays firing drills amid North's threats

If  South Korea continues its drilling the North will come back and hit the South even harder which was said friday.  On the last attack four died and more will probably die this time.  Russia ordered the South to cancel the drilling to aviod further escalation between the the divided pennisula.
I think the the pennisula should learn to get along and come up with a comprimise.  The pennisula has been divided for how many years may be it's time to get along and become one.  Then it might stop further problems they could work out in the future.